It is with regret that the conference that was to take place in September must be postponed for the safety of everyone.
However it will take place in September or October of 2021 (the exact date will be given later) at the University of Calgary and we look forward to meeting face to face!
The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy invites papers from all areas of philosophy and all philosophical approaches, including and not limited to analytic, continental, and historically oriented philosophy.
Submissions related to the theme are especially welcome. Submissions of long abstracts (1000 words) are invited for eventual presentation of papers not exceeding 3000 words.
Possible topics related to the theme include, but are by no means limited to:
Epistemic silos
Confirmation biases
Topical issues such as:
Truth and Reconciliation
Alberta secession
Indigenous blockades, treaty rights and pipeline protests
International issues such as Trump/Brexit/ the rise of fascism
Neoliberalism and austerity
Idle No More
Media and Propaganda
Trolls and Trolling
Lies and Bullshit
- Please email the 1000 word abstract as a double-spaced document in Word or PDF, prepared for fully anonymous review. In your email, please provide
your contact information and brief biographical material (for our SSHRC application), including: your institutional affiliation and degrees (starting with the most recent and specifying the discipline); recent positions and a few publications, especially those relevant to the event. - We encourage all graduate students to indicate if they plan to submit the full versions of their papers for consideration for the Jean Harvey Student Award - detail will be available later.
To do so, please indicate in the body of your email that you would like for the paper to be considered. In that case, the completed paper, not exceeding 3000 words and prepared for anonymous review, - Deadline: 11:59pm MST, January 15th 2021.
- Email: email
In addition to the submitted papers and keynote address there will be interdisciplinary panels on the conference theme put together by the conference organizers.
This conference will prioritize accessibility. Guidelines for accessible presentations will be distributed with successful participant notifications. All conference talks and the reception will be wheelchair accessible.
Other information about accessibility will be made available once the conference organizers have been able to finalize room bookings. Food will be vegan/vegetarian, and there will be space on the registration form to note food allergies and sensitivities. Participants are asked not to bring or wear strong scents.
Further information, such as information about a quiet room, childcare, breastfeeding and change room areas, and transportation to and from the University of Calgary will be available at a later date and will be posted to the CSWIP website when available.
If you have any questions or concerns about accessibility, please contact the conference organizer, Nicole Wyatt, at
All conference participants will be offered an opportunity to identify any presentation technologies and/or other supports required to participate, and anything else that can help mitigate potential barriers to participation. All information will be kept confidential.